IL896.1 – IL896.3


Untitled, 2001 (1994)


Ohne Titel, 2001 (1994)


Series of 3 photographic dyptichs

Ilfochrome paper, black wooden frame

Dyptich I: 2 panels, each 70.8 x 48.5 cm, overall 70.8 x 97.8 cm

Dyptich II: 2 panels, each 70.7 x 33.2 cm, overall 70.7 x 67.2 cm

Dyptich III: 2 panels, each 70.7 x 48.5 cm, overall 70.7 x 97.8 cm


Dyptich I

Private Collection



The artist



Ingeborg Lüscher


The dyptichs are realized under the use of copies from „Sea and Land“. Dyptich I was dedicated to a 2001 charity auction of Dr. Michael Schmitz, Roma, for the benefit of the children of global heli art tour.


See no 783