These enlarged and cropped landscape photographs show grainy details of earth and sea in dualistic conjunctions. … They recall the primal turmoil of the formation of entity out of nonentity, a consistent theme of Lüscher’s work, in various forms, for decades; and in their cosmographic duality they morph into new configurations the dichotomous theme of sulfur and ash, primordial male/female, upright/horizontal dolmen, and so on. They float upon the photographic paper like half-remembered apparitions of sites from a childhood of another life.
Thomas McEvilley 1996
IL782.1 – IL782.20
Sea and Land, 1994
Meer und Land, 1994
Series of 20 photographs
Ilfochromepaper on aluminium, framed (glass and iron)
20 units, each 54.3 x 79.3 x 2.5 cm
18 units, each 70,5 x 104.5 x 4.0 cm
1 unit, 83 x 125 x 4 cm
Verso I. Lüscher 1994
Archive numbers IFG/I – IFG/XX
Edition of three
Credit Suisse
Private Collections
Stiftung Situation Kunst, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2021
Galerie Juana de Aizpuru, Sevilla 1994
Gelarie M;arianne Grob, Luzern 1994
Galerie Marie Puck Broodthaers, Bruxelles 1994
Goldie Paley Gallery, Philadelphia 1995
Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau 1996
Städtische Galerie Göppingen 1997
Galerie Hans Mayer, Düsseldorf 1997
Kunstmuseums Solothurn 1998
Villa Haiss Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Zell 1998
Finca La Cabrita, San Sebastian de La Gomera 1999
Galerie Rigassi, Bern 2003
MART Rovereto 2004
Galerie Rigassi, Bern 2007
teatro san materno, Ascona 2010
Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Bremen 2013
Philadelphia 1995, cover page (ill) . Aarau 1996, pp 34-37 . Göppingen 1997, pp 8-9, 38-57 . Solothurn 1998, pp 14-15 . Rovereto 2004, pp 134-137 . Solothurn 2016, pp 140-145
McEvilley 1996, p 5. Colombo 1996, pp 11-13. Herzog 1999, pp 76-77 (ill)
See object no 895